
Empowering Future Entrepreneurs | Insights from Srividya Rajagopal’s speech at SRM

SRM Event - Srividya

At SRM, Our co-founder Srividya was invited as a keynote speaker to address students from the IEEE engineering department as part of their Entrepreneur Tech fest – Concepto’23. The focus of their discussion was “Understanding Entrepreneurship.” The panel covered various aspects, including her journey as an entrepreneur, the challenges they faced, and critical factors for aspiring founders.

She emphasized the importance of identifying market opportunities and the power of creating small prototypes to address customer pain points. Three key aspects stood out.

1. Financial Stability and Literacy– Understanding how to manage funds, raise capital, and comprehend the intricacies of equity and cap tables is crucial. Financial literacy is a cornerstone for any entrepreneur. 

2. Compliance and Regulations- Staying on the right side of the law is non-negotiable. Being compliant with data privacy and violation laws is essential to protect your hard-earned business.

3. Synergy Among Co-founders-  Building and maintaining a healthy relationship with co-founders is vital for a smooth business journey. A united front is key to overcoming obstacles.

The discussion also touched on the importance of identifying market opportunities and the power of creating small prototypes to address customer pain points. These small steps can often lead to innovative and sustainable startup ideas.

On a final note, our co-founder Srividya has penned down that the entrepreneurial journey is an exciting but challenging one. Preparing for the road ahead with financial literacy, understanding compliance, and fostering a strong partnership with co-founders is key. With these principles in mind, aspiring entrepreneurs can embark on their journeys with greater confidence.

How To Use QR Code In Your Mobile Coupon And Promotional Marketing

How To Use QR Code In Mobile Coupon And Promotional Marketing

How to use QR code in your mobile Coupon and Promotion Marketing 

In today’s digital age, QR codes have become essential tools for shoppers, retailers, and customers alike, bridging the gap between online and offline transactions. In this blog, we’ll demonstrate how you can effectively incorporate QR codes into your business strategy, regardless of the industry you’re in. Utilizing QR codes can significantly boost your sales through coupon campaigns.

The Mobile Era

We now live in an era where mobile phones play a pivotal role in our daily lives. With people spending a substantial amount of time on their mobile devices, it’s essential to explore how mobile marketing with QR codes can enhance sales through coupon campaigns.

By leveraging QR codes, you can increase foot traffic to your physical store by implementing promotional and coupon marketing strategies accessible through mobile devices.

Why You Should Use QR Codes in Your Coupons and Promotional Campaigns

Online and Offline Integration

With the rise of online shopping, it’s crucial to understand that customers often consider multiple channels before making a purchase. In today’s global marketplace, embracing both online and offline strategies is essential. QR codes for coupons and promotions serve as a bridge to connect online sales to your physical store, making them a valuable tool for increasing sales and traffic.

Mobile-Friendly QR Codes for Coupons

As mentioned earlier, mobile devices and QR codes are indispensable for merchants, retailers, and vendors looking to enhance sales and market their products or services. These QR codes can be easily integrated into coupon campaigns.

QR codes are user-friendly and require no technical expertise to redeem. Customers can conveniently save coupon QR codes to their mobile wallets. They’ll also receive notifications, ensuring they never miss out on the offered discounts.

Easily Trackable and Distributable QR Codes

With coupon marketing software, you can efficiently track and distribute coupons through QR codes across various marketing channels. This data helps you understand the effectiveness of your campaigns, allowing you to identify successful strategies and detect any misuse or fraudulent activities, especially when working with affiliate partners.

‘Pauket’ Coupon as a Service

Pauket’s coupon marketing platform offers the capabilities to digitize, distribute, and track your coupons across multiple channels and physical stores. You can create unique QR codes for different channels and physical locations, granting you access to valuable data insights regarding redemption, checkout, impressions, and coupon utilization. This information proves instrumental in your marketing efforts and assists in preventing coupon fraud.

No Need for Specific Instructors or Cashiers

Even if your point of sale lacks a QR code system, you can use the Pauket Elevate app to scan and redeem coupons distributed through This approach streamlines the redemption process, requiring no specialized knowledge.

Send Coupon Code and Notify Through WhatsApp

Pauket offers a feature to notify customers about their added coupons through WhatsApp. This ensures they remain aware of the offers and do not miss out on discounts.

Increasing In-Store Traffic with Coupon QR Codes

Pauket edge Dashboard provides an option to download QR codes for in-store promotion. You can place these codes on tabletops near the counter, both at your store and partner stores. This strategy helps drive more in-store traffic and aligns with the omni-channel approach to marketing.

Effective Workflow for a Trackable and Measurable Coupon Marketing Campaign

Effective coupon and promotional campaigns play a crucial role in increasing sales and visibility to your target audience. The workflow for an efficient campaign includes the following steps:

1. Campaign Setup: Choose the purpose, type, category, and other details for your campaign. Set the start and end dates and provide terms and conditions for customers. You can also collect customer information and create a thumbnail and creative for the campaign.

2. Plan Source Link: After publishing the campaign, you can access the campaign’s landing page link and QR code, which you can then promote across various channels.

3. Promote Across All Channels: Advertise your campaign and share QR codes on social media, on your website, and through partner shops.

4. Get Metrics of Coupon Journey: Monitor the metrics of your campaign, such as coupon checkouts, redemptions, and customer engagement. Track new and returning customers to measure your campaign’s success.

How & Where to Download Coupon QR Codes?

To download QR codes for your campaign, navigate to “My Campaign” and click the eye icon for the specific campaign. You can also access the landing page link from this section.

Where the coupon code will exist once the customer activate the coupon?

Customers will receive their coupons on WhatsApp and receive periodic reminders, ensuring they don’t forget to avail the offers.

Link to Avail Coupons on Social Media

If you share a QR code on social media, it may not provide the best user experience. Users scrolling through their social media feeds might find it challenging to scan the QR code directly. A better approach is to use a link that redirects users to the landing page where they can find and scan the QR code. This is precisely what we’ve implemented on our landing page.

Increase In-Store Traffic with Coupon QR Codes

The default option in Pauket’s SaaS software allows you to download QR codes for in-store promotions. You can print these codes and display them at physical store locations to encourage in-store traffic.

Introducing the Pauket-Elevate App:

Bridge the Gap Between Online and Offline Marketing

We have developed the Pauket Elevate app to simplify the process of scanning and validating coupons. This app seamlessly integrates with the Pauket Elevate app, allowing you to validate coupons in real-time and manage your campaigns efficiently. You can track the number of claims per day, per hour, and on specific dates. Additionally, you can filter campaigns, merchants, category types, channels, and more.

Connecting Offline and Online

Coupon QR codes serve as a powerful link between your offline and online stores. This connection enhances online-to-offline traffic and drives sales. To ensure a seamless experience, it’s crucial to have a well-thought-out plan and a user-friendly interface. Our software empowers you to effortlessly generate coupons and QR codes, ensuring that everything runs smoothly and keeps customers informed about the available discounts before the coupons expire.

Unlock the Potential of QR Codes and Coupons

QR codes and coupons are effective tools for mobile-based coupon redemption. They play a crucial role in increasing sales and enhancing visibility for your business. With the Pauket-Agent Claim app, you can take full advantage of these tools to connect with your audience and boost your marketing strategy.


QR codes have become an effective way to increase sales, improve visibility, and bridge the gap between online and offline marketing efforts. By following the workflow of a coupon marketing campaign, you can engage with your customers, build your brand, and enhance your marketing strategy. Pauket’s coupon marketing app offers the tools and insights you need to create successful campaigns and reach your target audience.

Top 5 steps to create your first video content

Top 5 Steps To Create Your First Video Content

We’ll unravel the narrative of how we were able to create impactful video content for our company but also elevate it to new heights in terms of engagement & SEO success.


Embarking on the journey of video content creation, especially without prior experience, might seem like navigating uncharted waters. Yet, at Pauket we’re no stranger to turning challenges into opportunities and adding value at every turn. 

In this blog post, we’ll unravel the narrative of how, armed with our product and digital marketing acumen, we were not only able to create impactful video content for your company but also elevate it to new heights in terms of engagement and SEO success. 

So, let’s dive into the art of storytelling, strategic planning, and leveraging your skills (that you didn’t know existed) to craft videos that not only capture attention but also resonate profoundly with your target audience. 

1. Capture the Essence with Visual Storytelling

Kick off your video journey by embracing the art of visual storytelling. Leverage your product management skills to craft a narrative that seamlessly integrates your company’s value proposition. Think visually, imagining each scene as a frame that tells a part of your brand’s story.

2. Lights, Camera, Audience-Centric Action

Just as product managers understand their users, ensure your video content speaks directly to your audience. Prioritize shots that resonate with their needs, desires, and challenges. Make every frame a connection point between your product and your viewer.

3. Simplify Shooting with User-Friendly Tools

Dive into the world of video shooting with tools that align with your skill level. Just as you would choose intuitive platforms for product development, opt for user-friendly cameras and editing software. Simplicity doesn’t compromise quality; it enhances your creative control.

4. Define Your Value Proposition

Begin by articulating the unique value your video content will provide. What sets your company apart? Whether it’s innovative solutions, exceptional customer service, or a commitment to sustainability, your video should communicate the distinct value that your products or services offer.

5. Audience-Centric Approach

Your product management expertise in understanding user needs translates seamlessly into creating videos that resonate with your audience. Identify the pain points, aspirations, and preferences of your target audience, ensuring that your video content directly addresses their concerns.


Creating compelling video content without prior experience is not only achievable but also an opportunity to showcase your product management skills in a new light. By focusing on value, understanding your audience, and optimizing for SEO, you can produce videos that resonate, engage, and drive meaningful results for your company. Embrace the challenge, and let your product management prowess shine through in the realm of video content creation.

Making the Transition from Print Coupons to Digital Coupons – The Pauket Solution

Print Coupons Into digital Coupons by Pauket

Greetings, savvy shoppers!

Are you still carrying a bulky stack of coupons in your wallet? It’s time to lighten up and go digital! In the age of smartphones, digital coupons are the future in delivering an efficient and environmentally friendly substitute to print coupons. Let’s face it, nobody likes the hassle of searching through flyers and newspapers for coupons or the disappointment of finding expired coupons at the bottom of your purse. 

The Benefits of Digital Coupons

The shift to digital coupons has been significant. According to a survey by RetailMeNot, 91% of Americans prefer digital coupons over print coupons. In fact, digital coupons usage is expected to grow by 56.5% by 2025. So, it’s clear that digital coupons have replaced traditional coupons.  

But why the change? Digital coupons offer many advantages over print coupons. They are easily accessible, convenient, and can be personalized to your interests. Plus, they eliminate the need for printing, and you don’t have to worry about forgetting coupons at home or misplacing them in your bag. 

Pauket: The Digital Coupon Management Platform

Now, you may be thinking, how to access these digital coupons? That’s where Pauket comes in! Pauket is a SaaS platform that enables merchants to create digital promotional campaigns, generate smart coupons, distribute them across multiple channels, and track performance of these campaigns. Pauket’s unique selling proposition is its ability to create a call-to-action strategy on its smart coupons for merchants by adding QR codes or unique links that customers can easily redeem in a click. 

And that’s not all! Pauket also has a consumer claim app that allows customers to access coupons through various contactless methods like QR scanning. No more fumbling around with paper coupons or waiting in long lines to redeem them. 

But wait, there’s more! Pauket also offers real-time tracking of coupon usage, allowing merchants to measure the effectiveness of their campaigns and make data-driven decisions for future promotions. 

To wrap it up

In conclusion, digital coupons have replaced print coupons, and Pauket is here to make the transition to the digital world seamless for both merchants and customers. Say goodbye to the hassle of print coupons and hello to the convenience of digital coupons with Pauket. 

Eight Steps to Curate the Best Promotional Campaigns in 2024

The Best Promotional Campaigns in 2024

Are you ready to create the most buzz-worthy promotional campaign of 2023? Look no further! Here are eight steps to curate the best promotional campaign that will leave your competitors in dust. 

Step 1: Define Your Objective

Before creating any promotional campaigns, it’s essential to identify what you’re hoping to achieve. Do you want to drive more sales, increase brand awareness, or promote a new product or service? Knowing your goal will help you create a focused and effective campaign. 

Step 2: Know Your Target Audience

Once you know your objective, it’s time to identify your target audience. Who they are, and what they want? This information will help you create a campaign that resonates with your audience, leading to higher engagement and conversions. 

Step 3: Choose the Right Channels

Where will your audience see your campaign? Social media, email marketing, or in-store promotions? Choose the channels that best fit your target audience’s preferences and behaviors. 

Step 4: Create a Unique and Catchy Message

Your message needs to stand out in a sea of ads and promotions. Use creative language, humor, or even a catchy jingle to grab attention and nurture it. 

Step 5: Offer an Irresistible Incentive

What will motivate your audience to take action? Offering a discount, free trial, or limited-time offer can create a sense of urgency that drives customers to act. 

Step 6: Use Visuals to Enhance Your Message

Images and videos can convey your message more effectively than words alone. Use high-quality visuals that align with your brand’s identity and capture your audience’s attention. 

Step 7: Add a Call to Action with a QR Code

Make it easy for customers to redeem your offer with a call to action that includes a QR code or unique link. This feature, offered by Pauket, allows customers to redeem the digital coupon in just one click, increasing customer engagement and conversions. 

Step 8: Track your Performance

Once your campaign is live, track the performance to measure its effectiveness. Use data analytics to identify areas of improvement in campaign effectiveness and customer engagement. 

To sum it up

By following these eight steps, you can create an effective promotional campaign in 2023 that requires careful planning and execution. So, follow these steps to leverage the power of social media, email marketing, and track your campaign’s effectiveness to improve customer engagement. 

6 Advanced Tips and Features of Pauket that you didn’t know about

Advanced Tips and Features that you Didn't know about

Are you ready to take your coupon game to the next level with Pauket? Look no further! We’re here to share six advance tips and features you may not know about Pauket’s platform but will take your coupon campaigns to new heights. 

1. Create personalized campaigns with dynamic coupons

Did you know that Pauket’s coupon generator allows you to create dynamic coupons that can be personalized for each customer? You can use variables like the customer’s name or location to make your coupons feel more relevant and valuable, thereby increasing the likelihood that they’ll be redeemed. 

2. Distribute coupons across multiple channels

With Pauket, you can distribute your coupons across multiple channels, including social media, email, SMS, and even print ads. This omnichannel approach maximizes your reach and makes it easy for customers to access your coupons wherever they are. 

3. Track coupon performance in real-time

One of the biggest advantages of using Pauket is its reporting and analytics tools that allow you to monitor the performance of your coupons in real time. You can track metrics like redemption rates, coupon–induced sales figures, and engagement by channel. With this data, you can optimize your upcoming campaigns for better reach. 

4. Create loyalty programs with ease

With Pauket’s loyalty program feature, you can reward your most loyal customers with exclusive discounts and promotions. You can set up rewards tiers, track customer loyalty points, and automate the entire process, making it easy to manage and reward your customers. 

5. Make redemption easy with QR codes

Pauket’s digital coupons come equipped with QR codes, making it easy for customers to redeem their coupons in just one click. You can add QR codes to your print ads, social media posts, and even your in-store displays, creating a seamless redemption process that maximizes engagement. 

6. Use customer data to drive insights

Pauket’s reporting and analytics real-time dashboard allows you to access important customer data, including demographics, purchase behavior, and coupon usage. You can use this data to gain insights into your customers’ preferences and behaviors, allowing you to create more targeted campaigns that drive higher engagement and conversions. 

To close the book

With these advanced tips and features, you’ll be well on your way to create coupon campaigns that engage customers, drive sales, and increase loyalty using Pauket’s coupon generator. And, with Pauket’s easy-to-use platform and powerful tools, you can do it all with ease. So, what are you waiting for? Start exploring Pauket’s advanced features today and see how they can take your coupon game to the next level! 

Importance of Tracking Performance of Marketing and Promotional Campaigns – Pauket

Print Coupons Into digital Coupons by Pauket

Are you tired of running promotional campaigns that don’t seem to deliver the desired results? Do you feel like your marketing spend is going down the drain with no way of measuring the impact of your campaigns? Fear not, because Pauket has got you covered! 

Understanding of Tracking Campaign Performance

Tracking the performance of your marketing and promotional campaigns is crucial to the success of your business. It helps you understand which strategies are working and which are not, and most importantly, it helps you make informed decisions for your next campaign. But how do you track the performance of your campaigns effectively? 

Success of Digital Promotional Campaigns – Pauket’s Platform

At Pauket, we believe in making things simple and easy. Our platform enables merchants to create digital promotional campaigns and distribute them across multiple channels seamlessly. And that’s not all! Our Unique Selling Proposition (USP) lies in our ability to help merchants create a call-to-action strategy for their campaigns. By adding a QR code or a unique link, customers can redeem coupons quickly and easily, making the process hassle-free and convenient. 

But that’s not where it ends! Our consumer claim app allows customers to access coupons through various contactless methods like QR scanning. With features like campaign insights, customer analytics, and ROI tracking, our platform empowers businesses to make data-driven decisions for their marketing campaigns.  

In a nutshell

Tracking campaign performance can help you understand what’s working and what’s not, optimize your marketing spending, and make informed decisions. And with Pauket, it’s never been easier! So why not try our platform today and see the difference for yourself? We promise you won’t be disappointed! 

Image Alt text (include alt text for any images such as Pauket digital coupon, tracking campaign performance, digital promotional campaigns) 

The Evolution Of Email Marketing: Tips For Modern Business

The Evolution of Email Marketing Tips for modern business

Email marketing has come a long way since its inception, evolving into a powerful tool for businesses to engage with their customers and drive conversions. With an expected ROI of $40 for every $1 spent, this could be the biggest tool in your marketing arsenal. Here are the actionable tips that can be implemented today to maximize its effectiveness.

1. Personalization is Key:

From generic mail blasts, consumers expect personalized experiences tailored to their interests and preferences. Utilize data-driven insights to segment your email lists to automate personalization based on demographics, past purchases, browsing behavior, and engagement levels. This will boost open rates, click-through rates, and overall engagement.

2. Mobile Optimization:

Since most emails are opened on mobile, ensure your emails are mobile-friendly by using responsive design.Keep your subject lines short and impactful, and ensure your content is scannable with concise paragraphs, bullet points, and clear calls to action.

3. Interactive Content:

Polls, quizzes, and surveys make the email experience more interactive and enjoyable. Increasing the time spent on your emails, this also provides valuable insights into your subscribers’ preferences and interests. Gamification techniques to incentivize participation and foster a sense of fun and excitement will increase engagement.

4. Coupon Marketing: Driving Conversions and Customer Loyalty:

Include personalized coupons or discount codes in your emails to incentivize purchases and reward customer loyalty with coupon marketing. Eye-catching visuals can create a sense of urgency and exclusivity. By offering exclusive deals to your subscribers, you can generate higher conversion rates and strengthen customer relationships.

5. Automation and Triggered Campaigns:

Implement automated campaigns based on triggers or user behavior sign-ups, purchases, or abandoned carts. Send personalized follow-ups, recommendations, or exclusive offers based on these triggers. Automation enables you to nurture leads, build customer loyalty, and increase conversions.

6. A/B Testing:

Conduct A/B tests to compare different elements such as subject lines, email designs, calls to action, and send times. By testing and iterating, you can uncover insights that drive better engagement and conversion rates.


Email marketing has evolved into a sophisticated and highly effective tool for businesses. Remember, success in email marketing requires continuous adaptation to evolving customer preferences and technology. Stay proactive, be data-driven, and always strive to deliver value to your subscribers.

Unlocking Success with Coupon Marketing

Coupon Marketing

Coupon marketing has emerged as a game-changer in the modern business landscape, offering numerous benefits to businesses and customers alike. Leveraging the power of coupons allows businesses to drive sales, attract new customers, and foster loyalty. In this article, we will explore how coupon marketing can unlock success for your business.

The Power of Coupons: Boosting Sales and Conversions

Coupons are a powerful tool for businesses to increase sales and conversions. By offering discounts or special promotions, businesses create a sense of urgency and incentive for customers to make a purchase. The allure of a good deal often outweighs the discounted price, resulting in increased sales and higher conversion rates.

Attracting New Customers: The Magnetic Pull of Discounts

Since people are more likely to try a new product or service when offered a discount or special offer, coupons can attract new customers. This acts as an enticing introduction to your business, expanding your customer base and generating long-term growth.

Fostering Customer Loyalty: Valuing and Rewarding Your Audience

Customer retention and loyalty are key to business success, and coupons play a significant role in fostering both. Offering exclusive discounts and rewards to existing customers shows appreciation and triggers repeat purchases. Coupons create a sense of value and incentivize customers to remain engaged with your brand.

Trackability and Insights: Data-Driven Coupon Marketing

By using unique coupon codes or specific links, businesses can measure the effectiveness of their campaigns. Tracking customer behavior, such as redemptions, purchase values, and demographics, provides valuable insights for refining future marketing strategies.

Upselling and Cross-Selling: Expanding Customer Value

Coupons also provide opportunities for upselling and cross-selling. By offering discounts on complementary products or services, businesses can encourage customers to explore additional offerings, ultimately increasing the average order value and enhancing the overall customer experience.

Strategic Planning: Personalization and Targeting

Consider your target audience and their preferences to create relevant and appealing offers. Personalization is key in making customers feel valued and appreciated.

Promotion: Maximizing Reach and Engagement

Promoting coupon offers through various channels, such as email marketing, social media, and website banners, helps reach a wider audience. Clear and concise messaging is essential to effectively convey the value of the coupon and drive customer engagement.

Seamless Customer Experience: Setting Clear Terms and Conditions

By establishing clear terms and conditions for coupon usage, like expiration dates, restrictions, and redemption instructions – a seamless customer experience can be tailored for your customers.


Coupon marketing has emerged as a powerful strategy for businesses to drive sales, attract new customers, and foster loyalty. By leveraging the benefits of coupons, businesses create a sense of urgency, entice new customers, and add value to their existing customer base. Start harnessing the power of coupon marketing today to achieve remarkable results with Pauket!

Landing Pages: The Key To Converting Visitors Into Customers

The key to Converting Visitors into Customers

In the world of digital marketing, landing pages play a crucial role in capturing and converting visitors into valuable leads or customers. A well-optimized landing page can significantly impact the success of your marketing campaigns and drive tangible results for your business. Let’s explore why landing pages are essential and how to create effective ones that maximize conversions.

A landing page is a standalone web page designed with a specific goal in mind, such as lead generation, product promotion, or event registration. Unlike a website’s homepage, landing pages are focused, concise, and tailored to a specific audience or offer. By eliminating distractions and providing a clear call to action (CTA), landing pages guide visitors towards taking a desired action.

To optimize your landing pages for maximum effectiveness, consider the following elements:

1. Captivating Headline:

Craft a compelling headline that immediately grabs visitors’ attention and communicates the unique value proposition of your offer. Use strong, action-oriented language and emphasize the benefits visitors will gain by engaging with your offer.

2. Engaging Visuals:

Incorporate relevant and visually appealing images or videos that support your message and captivate visitors. Visual content helps break up text, improves comprehension, and makes your landing page more engaging.

3. Persuasive CTA:

Your call to action (CTA) is the driving force behind conversions. Make your CTA prominent, visually appealing, and action-oriented. Use strong verbs and compelling language to encourage visitors to take the desired action, such as signing up for a newsletter, requesting a demo, or making a purchase.

4. Form Optimization:

If your landing page includes a form for lead capture, optimize it to strike a balance between capturing necessary information and minimizing friction. Keep the form fields concise and only ask for essential information. Consider using multi-step forms or progressive profiling to gather additional data over time.

5. Mobile Responsiveness:

Ensure your landing page is fully optimized for mobile devices. With the majority of internet users accessing content on smartphones, a mobile-responsive design is crucial to provide a seamless user experience and maximize conversions.

6. A/B Testing:

Continually optimize your landing pages through A/B testing. Test different headlines, visuals, CTAs, form layouts, and colors to identify what resonates best with your audience. Use analytics and conversion tracking to measure performance and make data-driven decisions.

Remember, landing pages are not set in stone. Regularly monitor their performance, analyze data, and iterate based on insights gained. By following these optimization practices, you can create landing pages that drive higher conversions, generate qualified leads, and contribute to the growth of your business.

Contact Us

    For information on pricing and to schedule a demo with our team please contact

    Location: PAUKET DIGITAL ENTERPRISES PRIVATE LIMITED, Prince Infocity II, Unit-283/3 & 283/4, Perungudi, Chennai – 600096.

    Phone: +91 9363214464

    Email: [email protected]
