
Naturals Case Study: Cross Promotion Estelle <> Naturals

In the beauty and wellness sector, Naturals shines as a premier destination, celebrated for its exceptional salon services and unwavering dedication to customer satisfaction. As a household name in the industry, Naturals sought to elevate its marketing efforts to reach its loyal clientele more effectively. Let’s see how Pauket was able to help this iconic brand to pioneer a groundbreaking cross-promotion initiative with Estell.

Navigating Marketing Challenges with Pauket:

Even a household name like Naturals faced challenges in reaching its target audience with precision and efficiency. Seeking to digitize its marketing strategies and track campaign success, Naturals turned to Pauket for guidance. With a reputation for delivering cutting-edge solutions, Pauket was the natural choice for Naturals’ digital customs.

Collaborating for Success:

Naturals and Estele, serving the same sophisticated clientele, teamed up for a unique cross-promotion campaign. With Pauket’s help, QR codes placed near Estell’s counters effortlessly directed customers to Naturals’ top-notch salon services. This clever partnership not only improved the customer experience but also targeted the shared audience of both brands, boosting visibility and engagement.

Effective Results:

The cross-promotion campaign struck a chord with Naturals’ loyal clientele, resulting in a remarkable redemption rate of 23% in less than five days. With up to a 10% conversion rate, Naturals not only expanded its reach but also gained invaluable insights into customer behavior and preferences.The QR code strategically positioned adjacent to Estele’s payment QR code ensured maximum visibility, capturing the attention of customers during their purchase journey.

This placement capitalized on psychological principles, increasing the likelihood of conversion when presented with an enticing offer. Additionally, the interactive WhatsApp Bot Solution helped enhance customer engagement and provide a seamless experience for users. This innovative approach was particularly effective during Women’s Day, further enhancing the campaign’s success and driving both brand visibility and sales for Naturals and Estele alike.

By leveraging each other’s strengths and harnessing the latest digital technologies, these iconic brands have redefined the landscape of cross-promotion, setting new standards of success in the beauty and wellness industry.

Anand Sweets Case Study: The Tri-Cycle Campaign

In the heart of Bangalore lies Anand Sweets, a well-known brand for its delicious sweets and savories. What began as a humble venture, blossomed into a household name, captivating the taste buds of Bangaloreans far and wide. See how Anand Sweets and Pauket teamed up to create an unforgettable marketing campaign that captured hearts.

The Challenge: Increasing Brand Visibility and Capturing Audience Attention

Anand Sweets aimed to provide a free chaat dish to their loyal customers, for its new store launch in Kanakapura . They sought a marketing plan that would set them apart from the conventional methods and leave a lasting impression on their audience. But how did they do this?

The Solution: The Tricycle Campaign

Pauket and Anand Sweets collaborated to launch a tricycle campaign, a refreshing departure from traditional marketing strategies. Colorfully adorned tricycles traversed the streets of Bangalore, each equipped with QR codes powered by Pauket. Passersby could simply scan the QR codes to claim an exclusive offer – a complimentary chaat from Anand Sweets’ menu during their visit!

The tricycle campaign was a hit, showcasing Anand Sweets’ commitment to creativity and capturing the attention of Bangaloreans everywhere. Anand Sweets’ Brand engagement skyrocketed from industry standard of 2.9% to an impressive 30%, demonstrating the effectiveness of our collaborative approach.

Simplified Redemption Process – By leveraging QR codes, Anand Sweets made it incredibly easy for customers to redeem the offer. With a quick scan, patrons could enjoy a free mouth-watering dish, while simultaneously spreading the word about Anand Sweets’ new store opening.

The success of Anand Sweets’ tricycle campaign is a testament to the power of collaboration and creativity. Together with Pauket, they brought their vision to life and elevated their brand engagement to new heights.

Divine Foods Case Study: Converting Trails into Triumph

Divine Foods faced a big challenge on how to grab the attention of potential customers in a sea of options. They specialize in ready-to-drink treats like their famous Paruthi Paal, but getting noticed without making it to the shelves was difficult. Continue reading to see how Pauket was able to help them.

The Challenge: Engaging With High Intent Purchasers

Divine Foods knew their product was loved by those who knew it, but reaching new customers was tough. They needed a fresh approach to catch eyes and turn curious folks into loyal buyers.Their main target audience were people who were looking to switch to a healthier alternative than the health mixes available in the market. People who valued health with freedom of convenience and comfort.

The Solution: Sample Distribution Through Quick Data Collection

Pauket had just the trick: a two-part solution

Sample Distribution

They handed out 80-100 cups of Paruthi Paal to eager tasters through Pauket’s token activation. Nothing beats trying something yourself, right? By letting people taste their drink right there, Divine Foods made sure potential customers got hooked on the spot.

WhatsApp Bot Integration:

Quick data exchange! Pauket set up a WhatsApp bot for Divine Foods. All people had to do was scan a QR code, and they could chat with the bot. This also helped Divine Foods collect data of future potential customers whom they could re-target in future!

Key Metrics

Convertion Rate: 15% Coupon Redemption Rate

A whopping 15% of the people who tried Divine Foods’ drink ended up buying it. That’s proof that the strategy worked wonders in turning interest into sales.

Enhanced Visibility:

Everyone knew about them, boosting their reputation and sales.

With not-so-new but effective strategies like sample distribution and WhatsApp integration, Divine Foods not only won over new customers but also cemented their status as a brand to reckon with. As they keep riding the wave of success, Pauket stays committed to fueling their journey with strong, forward-thinking solutions.

MGM Dizzee World Cross-Promotion Case Studies

Challenge:  Attract new visitors

Marketing for amusement parks poses a unique challenge. Unlike typical retail brands, amusement parks contend with a different set of consumer behaviors. While we may frequent a good restaurant regularly, visits to amusement parks are more sporadic, typically occurring only once or twice a year. Recognizing this, MGM Dizzee World sought to break the mold.They set out to attract more visitors than ever before, breaking the usual park visitors they get.

Strategy : Cross-Promotion, Leveraging Partnerships for Success

To overcome this challenge, Pauket devised  Cross-promotion! For this, we chose Diadem – renowned for its exquisite wedding shopping experience, catering to family crowds seeking memorable moments and quality products. Leveraging Diadem’s clientele – a perfect match for MGM’s target audience – offers were placed as free coupons alongside purchases at Diadem.

Result: Boosted Visitor number

The impact of this strategic partnership was profound. MGM Dizzee World experienced a significant surge in visitor numbers, surpassing previous records and solidifying its position as the go-to destination for family entertainment, resulting in an impressive 620 coupon activations within 20 days. A streamlined landing page solution eliminated the need for app downloads, enhancing accessibility for guests – all they had to do was Scan a QR!

Moreover, the cross-promotion strategy not only boosted MGM’s revenue but also addressed their underlying marketing challenges by expanding their reach beyond traditional channels.

Cookd Case Study: Transforming High Intent Leads Into Sales

Pauket Strategic Approach for D2C Brand

In the realm of direct-to-consumer (D2C) brands, the challenge of customer acquisition and retention is ever-present. This challenge is particularly pronounced for brands like Cookd, specializing in ready-to-eat culinary offerings, which lack the visibility afforded by traditional retail shelves. Enter Pauket, armed with a strategic solution aimed at capturing the attention of high-intent purchasers and fostering lasting connections.

The Challenge: Engaging With High Intent Purchasers

Cookd faced the formidable task of engaging high-intent purchasers without the physical presence of a storefront. With a target demographic consisting of individuals seeking convenience and quality, the challenge was clear: how to entice these discerning consumers in a competitive market landscape.

The Solution: Providing Samples for New Leads and Users

Pauket’s Strategy Revolved Around Two Core Element:

Sample Distribution

Deploying 200-300 carefully curated samples, we strategically targeted corporate employees – a demographic known for its appreciation of quality and convenience. Through offline events and precise placement, we successfully engaged approximately 150-200 individuals, providing them with a firsthand experience of Cookd’s culinary offerings.

Data Collection:

Leveraging the Pauket app, we seamlessly collected valuable data from each interaction. This data not only facilitated customer engagement but also enabled personalized targeting for future campaigns, transforming curious samplers into potential long-term customers.

Scan a code

Key Metrics

Sample Redemption Rate: 20% Redemption Rate for First Purchase Coupons

A noteworthy 20% of recipients redeemed their first purchase coupon, demonstrating the effectiveness of our strategy in translating interest into action.

Effective Strategy for Customer Engagement and Brand Loyalty:

By offering a taste of Cookd’s offerings, we not only encouraged immediate purchases but also laid the groundwork for sustained engagement and brand loyalty.

In the competitive landscape of D2C brands, the challenges of customer acquisition and retention are formidable. However, through strategic sample distribution and data-driven insights, Pauket has provided brands like Cookd with the tools to navigate these challenges successfully. As we look to the future, we remain committed to delivering innovative solutions that empower brands to thrive in a dynamic marketplace.

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    Location: PAUKET DIGITAL ENTERPRISES PRIVATE LIMITED, Prince Infocity II, Unit-283/3 & 283/4, Perungudi, Chennai – 600096.

    Phone: +91 9363214464

    Email: [email protected]
